Archive for the 'Adverts' Category

Just Passing By

Brilliant use of poetry in this advert. It looks like McDonalds have re-branded. It no longer looks like a cheap fast food place, but a modernized restaurant. The advert shows that everyone seems to come to McDonalds, everyone seems to pass by

Water helps babies to dance, its hilarious JUST WATCH!!!


Who would of thought that if you drink Evian water you could become a great dancer. This advert has moved strait to the YouTube favorites, it features 96 babies busting some old skool hip hop grooves to a remix of Rapper’s Delight.

I prefer buying water over fizzy pop so they have won me over 🙂 Visit their website for more videos and info about the making of the adverts. Just Click on the Evian Logo

evian swoosh ENG logo

Wicked awesome game trailer R.U.S.E.

If this game was on the Iphone that would be awesome.

The trailer features two businessmen squaring off against each other in what looks to be a game of Battleships. Using a futuristic touch-sensitive table like the one from Minority Report, they were able to deploy battleships, tanks, fortified guns, and landing craft against one another. However, things got interesting when one of them used fake units as decoys, including stuffed mannequins, and stole victory in the process.

Best Nokia Adverts

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These adverts are about a year old, but I still love them. It was for the Nokia Phone 5310 but I still don’t find it very attractive, even with amazing adverts. I’m looking for a new phone to buy, right now I think its a race between a Blackberry or Iphone. I have always been a Nokia lover, I currently have the N95 8gb, it might be time to leave :(, it all depends if Nokia have something coming to challenge the Iphone or Balckberry BOLD. Can adverts really persuade me to buy a new phone?

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